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Destroy now or forever hold your peace!

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Alright, ya little bitches! Don't think I'm gonna make this easy on you! You are trainees for a new army of anti-government, anti-social, anti-authority, punk breed, destructive, hate-filled, psychotic, homicidal, suicidal, kamikazee, war-machine anarchists! It is your mission to seek out new forms of abuse of power and destroy that power which strips you of your right to do whatever the fuck you feel like! Whether you are a 10-year old kid sitting in your room making pipe bombs, a teenage punk shooting your school with paint balls, a 23-year old flipped-out college sociopath, a 30-year old unemployed drunk, or even a 50-year old government hating taxpayer, ANARCHY IS FOR YOU! Anarchy can help you overcome your fear to speak out against what you know is wrong. Why have fear to speak out when you just showed the world through your actions, anyway? Society is a virus that reproduces, grows, spreads, and evolves in the unsuspecting minds of millions of people. Society is what causes people to be not who they want to be, but who everyone else in the world wants them to be. Fear of rejection, lust for acception, THAT is society. Society needs to be stripped to its very core, something that IS vulnerable because people will not be afraid to speak against what they don't like, something that CAN'T reproduce, because people will realize that they have their own opinion and not someone elses, something that WON'T spread, because we no longer will fear opression, something that CAN'T grow, because the media will not be able to send subliminal messages to our weak minds. This is OUR war!!! We do have a purpose, and we will not be stopped until every last jock is dead, Dead, DEAD!!! Now that you understand why you must destroy, you must understand WHAT you will destroy.

The first thing that needs to go is government buildings. The government is what tries to suppress us by making us keep our opinions to ourselves. If everyone felt the way we did, the government would collapse, and America would be free again. So the government has got to go. Next thing, jocks. They have got to go. All jocks will ever do is stand in our way. Every jock is an exact replica of every one of his friends. We don't need all these clones walking around. It's just like having to live in a world with millions of zombies that have 2 inch dicks, no brains, no lives, and no purpose. No jock will ever make a difference. The next thing that has to go is the big corporations. These money-hungry corporations will stop at nothing to steal more money from you. They basically run the country, since the government can be bought off just as easily as them. All large corporations and their large corporate leaders (I do mean large) need to be stripped down into small businesses that have to work honestly for their own money, that have to compete with all other small businesses, that can't monopolize the entire world...

Now that you know WHY you have to destroy, and you know WHAT you must destroy, now I will tell you HOW to destroy. Refer your self to the ANARCHY COOKBOOK, and don't hold back...

While you're here, you might be interested in Sex Pistol's "Anarchy in the UK" mp3. FUCK COPYRIGHT!

Another mp3. April 26, 1992 by Sublime. Sublime is a bunch of real talented peoples.

Above files are zipped (I think), and are recorded at 22KHz mono for quicker download time.